Freiberg, Germany Temple December 2016

Freiberg, Germany Temple December 2016
Freiberg, Germany Temple December, 2016

Monday, June 26, 2017

Česká republika - Week 14 Plzeň (some names changed for privacy)

So... that bug bite we went to get checked out... was from a tick! Not fun! When we went to the poliklinika which is like an instant care type of a thing they gave Sestra Taylor two types of antibiotics and cream... supposedly she's getting better though! We're kind of on quarantine though. On the antibiotics we can only be outside for 30 minutes at a time... this makes missionary work just a little more difficult but it's okay.¨Unfortunately because of this, I don't have very many pictures this week... 

This week we taught Samot again! Whoohoo! And it only took half the time the last meeting took: It only took 2 hours! And we stayed on topic the entire time because it was taught with Starší Vickers and Anderson. We taught the Restoration and this upcoming week we hope to teach our favorite! The Plan of Salvation!!!!¨

For P-day today, I bought two recipe books in czech and then now a visit to the library. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! And a wonderful Summer!!! Enjoy the weather! Have some ice-cream, do something to keep cool, drink lots of water, and study the scriptures! The amazing, beautiful scriptures that our Heavenly Father has made available to us!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Česká republika - Week 13 Plzeň (some names changed for privacy)

As I mentioned in my last message out into the world, I went to a castle last P-Day! So I'm including pictures this time (because this time I didn't forget the cord to my camera...). Something I can now mention though is that my companion... well... she let a bug bite her and that didn't turn out to well... it kind of swelled and now we get to go to the hospital tomorrow!!

​Anyway, Prague; We went on Tuesday for zone training/conference! It was so great! We talked about faith, about having goals, and letting our faith carry them out to the fullest. I love, love, love goals! But, I need to work on following through with them hahaha.

On Wednesday, we taught a man named Samot, or rather, we got to know him, and he us. He had a few questions which we answered but our lesson was kind of all over the place (it lasted four hours!), so we're hoping for a better second meeting in which we can teach the restoration of the gospel!​ He's such a cool guy and is totally ready to learn more. We're excited!
On Thursday, we went out contacting and found a really cool lady who is a Jehovah's Witness. She wasn't willing to learn more from us because she believes that once you have a religion you shouldn't switch or you might fall through the cracks; but she is willing possibly to come o our English class, so that's cool too!

On Friday, I had quite the experience... we were on our way to the church building and about three quarters of the way through I realized that I was riding black for the first time, or in other words I didn't have my bus/tram pass... whoops! So on our way home we basically made the long walk hahaha. Well that's never happening again!

And now, I'm back in Prague, my companion had some visa work to do, so I got to spend the day in the capital walking around for a little bit with Sestra Dance, a greenie whose companion also had to do the same.

While in Prage, I was able to pick up the birthday package from my family. I loved my presents!!! And I love you all more!!!! I'm guessing Logan stuck the chocolate milk straw thingy in the package so I took pics with it. :) And the pili pili sauce!!! (hot sauce).  Diky moc!!!!!!! (Thanks a lot) Mam vas miluje!!! (I love you)

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me" - or week... not really a new life at this point!

Love you all!!!! Have a wonderful amazing week!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Česká republika - Week 12 Plzeň (some names changed for privacy)

On Wednesday, the weather was quite chilly (not so, the rest of the week though) and Starší Vickers and Anderson were out on an exchange in České Budějovice, so Starší Swink and Raines decided that we should do a chalk displayů which we did, and it was way cool. We did it on Jesus Christ and wrote out his name along with other names He has. I made it look fancy by drawing it all out, Sestra Taylor gave me names to write out, and the elders got two potentials out of it... I think. 

Then the next day the elders on exchange were still on exchange so we decided that we would party it up (not really-but we still had fun). We had "poar bear" (language study with Jitka - one of our return missionary YSAs!) - don't ask me why it's called that, I don't know hahaha. Anyway, the elders brought Swedish Pancakes and, we the Sisters brought toppings and snicker-doodles! So it was way sweet!
On Thursday, we had district meeting. And in our district meetings we role-play, every singe time currently we're working on a couple (played by missionaries in our district of course) and we're teaching them. This last week, Sestra Taylor played the part of the girlfriend who has a Catholic grandma... so we decided to play on that and give her an accessory as part of her "costume", so we made her a necklace out of some string/rope stuff we found and added a little homemade cross... The elders thought it played way well into our role-play so we went with it and it was a pretty good role-play. Three of the elders were teaching her... In two weeks time. I'll be teaching with Starší Anderson... our district leader - Starší Swink said he would push our limits... I guess he wants to see how it'll turn out with an Elder and Sister teaching the couple hahaha... we'll see!!
On Friday, we went to Sestra Jurasková's who made us some goos svičková and had birthday cake for Sestra Taylor's birthday, who jut turned 20!!! Now there's three of us! That's half our district! Sestra Taylor didn't want her birthday celebrated vubec/at all so we didn't really do anything since we also know that Sestra Jurasková would kindly, as any grandmother would force her to have a celebration hahaha!
 On Saturday, we had lunch with all of the elders and two girls, Jana and Anička who come to our activities quite often, are former investigators, but might be potentials again. They're such sweet girls! However, the elders were an hour and a half late and they hadn't made the food yet... In the end it was all good though! And we played with a voleyball... we passed it around, we kicked it around and just had a nice time with them.
 And then on Sunday... we had quite an interesting day. On Thursday I think, we saw a bus filled with kids from Utah wave at us and take pictures of us, the missionaries,  since they are all LDS. It was a little weird because that doesn't happen in foreign countries, but it was cool! And on Sunday, they're bus filled with 35 Utahins rolled up to the church building and there was a lot of translating going on, especially since it was for a testimony meeting. Then we went to go see their show which was a few minutes long - they were part of a folk festival and they were representing Americans, by doing clogging and some western cowboy stuff, and the efy song Arise -  pretty fun!
Today for our P-Day, we started off by hiking up a hill to a castle in the middle of a forest with Starši Swink and Raines. It was pretty cool. I was pretty much dying on the way up but it was sooo worth it, and so much fun!

We were out on our hike from 7:30 in the morning and didn't get back until lunch time which we had with Jitka and all of the elders! It's been a pretty nice day! And a pretty nice week! 

I hope y'all all have a splendid week! Love you all! Čau/Ciao!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Česká republika - Week 11 Plzeň (some names changed for privacy)

So much happened! We started off the week with Family Home Evening where we celebrated my birthday just a tad bit more thanks to Gabi!!! And then we played the board game: Settlers of Catan, which is starting to be played more and more regularly this transfer since we're teaching everyone how to play!


We've been doing lots of studies recently and something that we talked about recently was the Christlike Attribute of Hope, and how hope is something that we all have... it isn't something that we don't think will happen but rather something that helps us to have faith and strive and endure to the end. Hope is soooo powerful!

On Friday we had an activity called Children's Day where we had activities for children from around the church's neighborhood come to do and then they got a bag of candy after they completed everything! They were so cute!!! And we had some ward members come and help or bring their children. It was so much fun to be able to help out!

Then on Saturday, we went and had some fun after eating the wonderful meal of gulaš at Sestra Jurasková's. We went and to the Color Run here in town at Borského/Bory Park. It was a 5k but I think I only did 3/4 of it hahaha.... It was way fun though! We all got a bit dyed along with our clothing... it came out of our clothing much more easily than our skin or hair though... For example... I still have pink in my hair... not really sure what to do about that, but oh well!!

Today, for our P-day we got to start it off really well! We went to a  couple of antique shops so that Sestra Taylor could look for some Prim watches for her family... (Prims are way cool! They're watches only made in the Czech Reoublic that are wind up- every morning you wind it up to keep the gears moving inside!) However they're cheaper in other cities in the Czech Reoublic so I'm going to wait on that type of purchase...

Love you all!!!! Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!
More pictures from this week.....