Freiberg, Germany Temple December 2016

Freiberg, Germany Temple December 2016
Freiberg, Germany Temple December, 2016

Monday, November 27, 2017

Česká republika - Week 2 Brno (some names changed for privacy)

New apartment in Brno!

 For Thanksgiving we got together with my new companion, Sestra Miller, as well as the 2 elders here: Starsi Backman and Starsi Brockbank and played Settlers of Catan!!!!! Also, we made mashed potatoes, stuffing, bread rolls, some chicken, and blueberry jam bars. It was so much fun! We celebrated with two other members of the church here. If Starší Brockbank sounds familiar to you, it's because he also served in Plzen the same time I was there. 

Also, here in Brno the work is moving forward! Sestra Miller and I had so many lessons this last week. We have three investigators (Ačrev, Jerdon and Ynhoj ) that are working towards being baptized!  They're so excited, and so are we! We just love them so much and care so much for them. They have pretty hectic lives but they're trying their best!
Our sidewalk display
This last week I had my first real Czech Párek v Rohliku which is basically a hot dog haha with ketchup and mustard, or either one... I had just mustard on mine :) And it was soooo good! Czech mustard is kind of bitter or spicy... it's similar to Dijon for those of you who like mustard's!
Sestra Miller and I enjoying Párek v Rohliku 
This morning it snowed for a little bit and then melted but it was so pretty while it lasted! We're hoping for a white Christmas... or rather... 🎶We're dreaming of a white Christmas🎶.

Anyway, Christmas is coming up and I'm so excited! The Christmas trhy (stands/tents) are up and we're going to hopefully check those out today at the Christmas market! And all of the Christmas lights are up at night! Which tends to start at around 5pm here. It gets really dark really fast! 

You can print up a December calendar (or just view it) with a scripture for each day showing us how we can share the light of Christ with others through service in simple ways. (at this site...)

Here's a short video about how God has freely given us EVERYTHING we have and can we also give freely to others...

I love you all soo so much! Have a great end of November, beginning of December this week!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Česká republika - Week 1 Brno

3rd Zone, 3rd City! Brno!!!
Well, technically this is an update on my last week in Olomouc  with some last pictures from Olomouc and to announce that I did indeed move to a new city ...Brno.

The lights around Olomouc have been so beautiful.

So last week we had a "culture day" where we got to do something cultural because we had a baptism that transfer. We went to Bouzov Castle and it was beautiful. I love castles in Europe!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sestra Pulley and I made some pretty great food this week! Bramboraky, pumpkin rolls, guláš! Mmmmm

Here is a pic of the Olomouc missionary apartment (our clothes come from the European dryers damp, so we hang them :) )...

Our Bishop and his family in Olomouc...

We also had our last district meeting for the transfer in which we talked about all of the miracles and highlights we'd seen this past transfer. It was so cool to see how great our transfer has been.

It has been fun serving again with Sestra Pulley (who just came from Slovakia) and Starsi Wutzke (friends from the MTC).  They are wonderful missionaries. Sestra Pulley will stay in Olomouc and has a new companion who is a transfer behind her.  Starsi Wutzke went to Slovakia! (with a new language to learn). 

Anyways... today, I'm in Brno! My new area! And I'm serving with Sestra Miller who is from Dallas, Texas AND was also trained by Sestra Andersen; this is her last transfer and it's going to be great! Pictures of Brno soon to come!

Sorry this e-mail is a bit short but I hope you all have an amazing week and an amazing Thanksgiving!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Česká republika - Week 18 Olomouc

Last week started off with our English class which gained a new friend. Somebody that the elders invited the week before, and this week he brought a friend along as well! We taught professions... and then played charades. It was so much fun!
Our Grocery Store

They just put up the Christmas lights in the center of town in Olomouc where there is also ice skating set up!

on Wednesday, we had another zone training! All about love. Love for yourself, your companion, the people, the areas we're sent to, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It was wonderful! Then, at the end, we had a list of things we want to git rid of in our lives as missionaries and things we want to improve on. Then we burned them on a barbecue pit. It was so peaceful and you could just feel the Spirit radiating as we hummed a hymn. I literally loooove training's!!!

On Saturday, Sestra Pulley, Starší Wutzke and I hit our ten-month marks. Which is crazy! We didn't do anything special, but it's just so weird to see how time flies!

Today, we went to Šternberk. A little city outside of Olomouc of about a fourteen minute train ride. 

We walked around taking lots of pictures since today is the last P-Day of the transfer. We saw a castle - from the outside - and a church as well - a kostel -. 

It was so much fun to spend the day with the elders just hiking around a random city and enjoying the beauty of the Czech Republic!

I love you all so much! Have an amazing week! Prepare your stomachs for Thanksgiving in a week and a half!
We'll find out next week if I stay or if I go!

Mám vás ráda!